Deamonology A different Perspective

Published September 3, 2024 tag category
Deamonology A different Perspective

Authors Note: There is a twist in this story. Say what what? How can it get any more twisty, with daemons and elves and whatnot. If you don't get the twist by the end of the first paragraph, how are you reading this story because you are obviously too slow to even operate a computer, yet alone live long enough to read this! It's really THAT obvious!

So why this note?

*** I just wanted to annoy you. Can't enjoy the entire story. There has to be one bit that strikes you as fucking annoying, just one part that you want to just END before you gouge out your eyes. And that end

Oh, and before I forget, I am not going to e-mail you if you put your email's in your reviews. I'm flattered, really, but I'm not going to send you emails. I'm just here to entertain you, not to have your baby's...though I would not object to that if you lived next door to me. Just not over the Internet. Who knows, I might turn out to be some kind of psychopath...and I just can't put my fans at risk like that!


I knelt next to Daniel and grinned, resting my chin on his shoulder. He smelt of excitement and sex, his body tense and worried. Only a human would be worried in a situation like this. Now if any other race, from any land, would be thinking "How can I get some?"

Or at least that was what I was thinking.

"Did I come to early?" Liz asked as she walked into the room, checking her watch as Arlewen pulled up some chairs. She also serendipitously slid some of the pages that lay everywhere to cover the wet spots on the bed, where either I, she, or Daniel had spilled a bit.

"No...I over slept," Arlewen said, sitting down, "Forgot to set my alarm clock and everything."

"Oh...if you want you can get dressed," Liz said, her brow furrowing. She recognizes the shirt, I thought.

"No, no, no!" Arlewen said, "It's such a nice morning...why would I need pants?" she laughed, lightly, spreading her legs slightly. Liz shifted, somewhat uncomfortably.

"Right." Liz grinned, cricking her neck as she leaned back in her chair.

"So what subjects are you studying this week?" Arlewen asked, "What help do you need, to be more specific."

"Uh...history. I can never keep it all straight in my head..." Liz trailed off, "And you can actually tell a story. History teachers teach the dates, but not what 'happened' if you get my meaning."

"What part of history are you on?"

"World War Two and the causes leading up to it..." Liz sighed, looking at the celling as she ticked off some facts, saying, "We're also covering the Holocaust, the reasons the German people rallied behind Hitler, the Nazi part, how the Elves, Orks and Dwarves turned the tide of war...mostly in the central European area."

"Well..." Arlewen said, her eyes dancing, "I lived through that war. And the one before that. And the one before that...but that one was quite a...hard time for the elves. I was living in Finland at the time and there were rumors of Hitler's...harsh stance on non-humans. I was one of those who thought we could stick our head in the ground and it would never effect us. Then the tanks and air planes came..."

I sighed, sitting silently down as my tail swished around my legs. Arlewen could tell a nice story, I had to admit. She painted the picture of World War Two, form the Elven perspective, quite nicely. I, and the rest of the Underworld, were quite happy that humanity and the other humanoid races had found a new way to kill one another. Saved us the trouble.

Daniel listened eagerly, watching the two of them from his hiding place. I wondered how he would react if he knew I had cast a spell of invisibility on him, shrouding us both from the two women. Why ruin his feeling of false danger. I looked at my right claws, clacking them together softly. I reached into my pocket, folding some space/time open and reaching into my personal space. After some rummaging around until I found my sharpeners and started to sharpen my claws.

Daniel looked over his shoulder at me, putting his finger onto his lips, trying to shush me.

"What?" I asked, smiling, "They can't hear or see either of us. Magic is...quite convenient..."

"Oh?" Daniel asked. His voice stirred something inside of me. I shifted slightly, uncomfortable.

"I have a great idea..." Daniel stood, tip toeing around his hiding place and walking behind Liz. I sat up, grinning. He was learning...slowly, but he was learning. I clacked my claws together as I waited.

"Then I took the rifle from his hands and brought it up. BANG! BANG! Two dead Krauts!" Arlewen gesticulated wildly. "One of them had a Panzerfaust and I ran, grabbing it as the Tiger smashed through the wall of the church. They didn't count on the agility and speed of an elf. I fired the rocket right into the barrel of the huge tank and BOOOM! It exploded in a huge ball of flames, and-"

Arlewen was cut off when Liz jumped, looking over her shoulders. I laughed, glad that they couldn't hear me. Daniel had just squeezed both of Liz's tits, hard. How was she to know he was there?

"Are you okay?" Arlewen asked.

"Uh...okay," Liz said, her brow furrowing again, "It's just...I've been having...strange..."

"Dreams!" Arlewen said, leaning forward, eyes wide, "I need studies on dreams. What kind of dreams? I've covered light dreams, deep dreams, precognitive dreams and waking dreams, but I still need to study-"

"Whoa!" Liz said, raising her hands, "Slow down Wen."

"Wen?" Daniel mouthed at me, forgetting he couldn't be heard.

"Sorry." Arlewen said, "It's research has been going so well"

She leaned back in her chair, legs spreading slightly as she did so.

"What...what have you been researching?" Liz asked.

Arlewen smiled faintly, "Oh this and that."

I noticed that a faint stain was appearing on Arlewen's panties, barely obvious against the dark red lace that she was wearing. Daniel slipped behind her, still trying to be stealthy.

"You are invisible and inaudible!" I shouted. Daniel jumped and shot me a nasty look. I laughed, standing.

"So...describe your dream," Arlewen said as I walked behind Liz. Liz's ears were red as spoke.

"I am...walking home," Liz said, "And I feel this...need in"

"Oh?" Arlewen said, "I need to study wet dreams...go on."

"Then I see something, at the end of the hallway. Two...glowing red eyes. These eyes..." Liz stammered, her cheeks burning, "They excite me,"

I move in front of Liz, kneeling as I did so.

"I go down the alleyway." Liz was sounding more confident, as if the more she spoke the less she worried about talking.

I place my hands on her knees, gently. I slowly push Liz open. I reach into her mind with my own and place the suggestion of heat in her loins. Liz scratched her stomach as her legs came to rest, fully open. She's wearing jeans, as per usual, and I could smell the wetness between her legs.

"Then a hand go's over my mouth," Liz said, softly, "And I am forced to the ground..."

I hear Arlewen shift in her seat. I glance over my shoulder and see that Daniel is softly teasing at her nipples, pricking them between his fingers and jerking them before letting go, feeling them easily through the thin fabric of Arlewen's shirt. I looked back at Liz's crotch as she murmured.

"Then my clothes are ripped off my body...and I'm struggling."

"A nightmare?" Arlewen gasped, sitting up as Daniel continued to play with her nipples. My tail flicked slightly, wrapping around the leg of Liz's chair. That was the best way to keep it from moving too much...

"No..." Liz smiled as she spoke, "It'"

"Hot?" Arlewen said, "Rape fantasy's?"

Liz shook herself, sitting up slightly.

"I wouldn't call them...fantasy's," Liz said, blinking away the daze she had been in, "Silly thoughts. I mean, who would want to be raped..."

"Well," Arlewen stood and Daniel jumped back, not wanting to bump into her any more than he already was, "How many times have you had this dream? Sometimes the mind is trying to tell you something."

"Just once," Liz said, " it getting hot in here, or is that me?"

It was, actually. I had placed my hands on her thighs and let my natural temperature slowly infuse Liz.

"A little," Arlewen said, still standing beside Liz.

"Is it okay if I take this off?" Liz asked, gesturing to her shirt.

"I'm not wearing pants," Arlewen said, cocking an eyebrow.

"She is such a fucking whore," Daniel said, his voice dark as he let his pants drop to the ground. Liz let her shirt drop to the ground, almost hitting me as it fell. Underneath she wore a black, lacy bra and nothing else. Her tribal tattoos spread over her chest, still an enticing sight. I wondered exactly what tribe she had come from.

"What tribe did you come from?" Arlewen asked as she placed her hands on Liz's shoulders.

"What are you doing!" Liz asked, almost standing.

"Didn't mind fucking her as long as she had a grade..." Daniel muttered, kneeling beside me.

"You look tense, for one thing," Arlewen said, massaging Liz's shoulders, "And for another...I need to practice my massage."

Liz leaned her head back and groaned as Arlewen squeezed her shoulders, long, slender fingers taking out the tense muscles.

"Thats nice," she murmured.

"I recently studied some things that...I was wondering if you wanted to explore?" Arlewen murmured, her hands slowly moving down Liz's back, pushing her forward. Arlewen unhooked Liz's bra as she massaged the humans back. Liz sighed as her bra fell onto my face. She opened her eyes and saw her bra floating in the air about three feet of the ground. I took the bra and threw it away, but the damage was done.

Liz sat up, eyes wide. I cut off her scream with my lips, pressing against her as I dropped the shroud from myself, keeping it on Daniel. Arlewen laughed as I broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva between Liz and me.

" from the dream!" Liz said, "What...where...why!"

"Maybe this is a dream...maybe that was real, and this was real. Maybe you're going to get your brains fucked out. Who knows?" I grinned, looping my hands around Liz's neck and pulling her to the ground. She fell, pushing me onto my back. It hurt a bit, forcing my quills to bend slightly as I hit, but it was worth it for the kiss. Liz's tongue pushed into my mouth, her hand locked with mine.

Liz gasped as my tail lashed her back, drawing a thin line of blood. Her eyes teared up as I rolled her onto her back, my hands grabbing her wrists and pressing them down.

"Why?" she asked as my tail looped around one of her tits.

"You love it," I whispered, "You love every hurt, every humiliation. I bet if you had a choice, you'd film this and put it on the Internet"

Liz gulped and, to my satisfaction, nodded.

Daniel was standing by, his hand slowly massaging his cock. I let the shroud fall from him and grinned at Arlewen's gasp of .

"What are...what are you going to do to me?" Liz asked as I spread my legs, planting my groin on her stomach.

"You are going to have a...nice meal," I grunted, sliding my body forward and exposing my buttocks to Liz. She wasn't going to get my pussy...yet. My tail slithered over Liz's body, finding her slit. Liz gasped, her tongue already reaching to lick my ass, as my tail shoved into her pussy. Her tongue stopped its wonderful contact with my butt, Liz's head falling back as my tail writhed inside her.

"Oh god," Liz clenched her fists as she moaned, "Oh god! I can feel it..."

I slid my tail out and was rewarded with a slickness that was part pussy juices, part blood. I rolled onto my front, leaving my boiling pussy in front of Liz's face. I bent my head and started to lick Liz's body, kissing her tights and running my lips along her skin. Liz grabbed my buttocks and pulled me down to her waiting tongue and lips. She started to eat me out, flicking my clit with a single minded ferocity that...reminded me of some bad memories. I gasped, the memories coming to the front despite my best efforts.

I looked up and saw that apornk Arlewen was sitting in the chair that I had pulled Liz out of, her fingers spreading her pussy as Daniel played with her tits from behind, nipping and nibbling at her ears as he did so.

"Get some rope..." I said. Arlewen sat up even as Daniel pinched her nipples, hard. She gritted her teeth and writhed, legs rubbing against one another.

"Why?" Daniel asked, his eyes showing that he already knew what was in mind.

"Lets help Liz live out her...fantasy." I stood, sad to leave that savage mouth behind. Liz sat up, but as she sat up I spun and placed my foot on her neck, slowly pushing her back down.

"Who said you could get up, slave?" I asked. Liz placed her hands protectively on her neck, still able to breath...because I allowed her.

"Now...plead forgiveness, slave," I hissed, moving my foot away from her neck.

"Fo...Forgive me, ," Liz said, kneeling and bowing her head.

"Who is the master?" Arlewen asked, walking behind me. I relaxed my quills, allowing them to lie flat so Arlewen could reach around my chest and start to juggle my tits. It was a nice background sensation, but after someone's lived as long as me, it just stopped working as well as it had.

"We are," I said, my tail slipping along Arlewen's leg, slipping up and between her ass crack. Arlewen squirmed, her hands squeezing harder. Daniel came back from poking around the apartment.

"I couldn't find any ropes," He said, somewhat apologetically.

"No matter," I said, waving my hand through the air and summoning some line. Arlewen squeezed my nipples one last time before taking the ropes.

"Stand, slave," I hissed. Liz stood and dared to look me in the eyes. I lashed her with my claws, drawing five shallow cuts across her face. Liz gasped, feeling her cheek as my other hand grabbed her around the neck. Liz gasped as I picked her off the floor. I grinned, knowing my eyes flamed.

"Listen, slave," I said, "If you dare to look me in the eyes again, I will kill you and drink your blood"

I threw her onto the bed, glancing at Arlewen and Daniel. Daniel looked hard as a rock and a thin trickle of wetness ran down Arlewen's thigh. This was going to be fun.

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